Saying "YEs!" to JEsus

Confirmation is when you publicly confirm the faith that God has already placed in you. It’s saying “Yes!” to Jesus who so often says “yes!” to you! It’s a rite of passage where you take ownership and responsibility of your own faith. To take ownership and responsibility for your faith means that life with Jesus is not just something that your mom, dad, or grandparents do, it’s something you do. It means that being part of a community of Jesus followers is not something you do because someone makes you, but because you want to. It means that you are taking an active role in continuing to grow as a disciple of Jesus - following him, being changed by him, and being on mission with him.

You may be asking yourself, “How do I grow as a disciple?” “Why does Jesus want to change me?” “What does ‘being on mission with Jesus’ mean?” or even “Is Jesus really worth doing life with?”. These are all really good questions! Before we can stand up and say yes to Jesus, we need to get to know Jesus - who he is, what he’s about, and what he’s asking us to do. In Luke 14, Jesus urges people who want to follow him to “count the cost” of being his disciple. That’s what this process is all about.

We are in the process of making 5-6 "Discipleship from Home" adventure guides that will help students and families explore these questions together. 

These adventure guides are designed to help you:

  • Learn more information about Jesus
  • Investigate what it means to be his disciple (and how to imitate him)
  • Build skills and gain tools that will help you in your lifelong relationship with Jesus
  • Learn to listen and respond to the voice of God
  • Grow more comfortable in having spiritual conversations as a family

Adventure Guides available

  • Good news!

    Time Commitment: 45 minutes a week for 5 weeks

    Deadline: 7 weeks after starting

    Contact Kristen at to begin.

  • THe Life of Jesus (Part 1)

    Time Commitment: 45 minutes a week for 8 weeks

    Deadline: 12 weeks after starting

    Contact Kristen at to begin.

  • The Life of Jesus (part 2)

    Time Commitment: 45 minutes a week for 7 weeks

    Deadline: 10 weeks after starting

    Contact Kristen at to begin.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Some guides will be longer than others, but each one will be broken into weekly lessons. Each week, you will read the scripture listed, watch the teaching video, and pick 1-2 additional activities to do. There will also be a reading guide to help you dig into God's word throughout the week. 

  • We are in the process of writing the guides. Currently, "The Life of Jesus" (part 1) and (part 2) are available to start! We are currently working on the next guide "GOOD NEWS!"  Eventually there will be 5-6 total. They will cover topics like "Learning God's Big Story," "The Lord's Prayer," "Serving," and "Telling My Story."

  • Once all the adventure guides are completed, you could technically work through them in a year. We recommend taking it a little slower and taking some breaks in between guides. This gives you some flexibility to choose to start a guide in a season that best works for your family's schedule. 

  • We ask that students are at least in 6th grade to begin this process. Beyond that, it's up to the student to decide when to start! It can be anytime in the year, any grade level. All you need is an open and curious heart, and a little time to give.

    To start, email Kristen at and let her know that you would like to start the Discipleship Adventure and she will email you a PDF copy of the first one along with your deadline to complete it by. 

  • We believe this process is important and we believe that important things require accountability. This is our way of coming alongside you and helping make sure that this doesn't get lost in the craziness of life. 

  • After you finish a guide, check in with Kristen and let me know how it went! Our Youth Team would love to hear what you learned or what questions you have! We will have you pick a date to check back in about starting your next guide. 

    After you finish your last adventure guide (Telling My Story), You will schedule a meeting with Kristen to share your story, talk about what you've learned, and ask any questions you might have. If you are ready to confirm your faith (publicly say "yes!" to Jesus) then we will schedule a date for you to share your story with our worship community and do the official confirmation ceremony.  

  • Disciples of Jesus are called to be in community with other disciples. Working through this adventure guide in your house is good, but what is better is doing these guides and engaging in community with other disciples - like at church, youth group, or a small group. 

Parents and Faith Mentors

  • 1. Are they in at least the sixth grade?

    2. Ask them! Talk with them about this opportunity to explore their faith and grow as a disciple. Are they interested and open? 

    3. Is your family willing to make the time commitment? 

    If the answer to these questions is "yes," great! Contact Kristen and get started! 

    If your student is totally against the idea of doing this, don't force it. Do pray - ask the Holy Spirit to move in their heart. Do continue to prioritize your own faith and discipleship journey with Jesus. Jesus is faithful and trustworthy - it's ok if your child is on a different timeline than everyone else. We have a God who goes to great lengths to pursue his children. Pastor Dave and Kristen are also available to process with you and we would love to come alongside you in praying that God would open a door for your child to take some next steps with Jesus. 

  • Prioritize Your Own Relationship with Jesus

    While we hope that your student will learn from this workbook, the biggest influence on their faith is you and your relationship with Jesus. Watching you love and follow Jesus is one of the best ways for your student to learn to do so themselves.

    Do the Process With Them

    Discipleship happens in the context of community. In order to get the most out of this process, parents and mentors will need to work through this process with their student. Do the activities and answer the questions genuinely yourself.

    Share Your Heart

    You're the leader in this process which means that you set the tone for how the time will go. If you're vulnerable and give genuine heartfelt responses, your student is way more likely to do the same. 

    Welcome Big Questions

    Your student probably will ask you some hard questions through this process. You may even have your own hard questions through this process. That's ok! Jesus is big enough to handle big questions. Here's an helpful phrase to respond to big, hard to answer questions: "I don't know, but we can dig into that more together." 


    Pray with your student. For your student. For your time together. For your own heart. Wherever the Kingdom of God is at work, the kingdom of darkness loves to come and make things difficult. This process may bring spiritual battle and it's important to be aware of that. Your enemy is not flesh and blood, but the spiritual forces of darkness (Eph. 6:12). The good news is that Jesus, the mighty warrior, is on your side and he invites you to stand firm in his strength and pray on all kinds of occasions for all kinds of requests (Eph. 6:10,18). If you feel like you're battling, please reach out to Kristen or anyone on our Youth Team so we can join in praying with you and give you some encouragement and TLC! 

  • You’re not alone in this journey! We know child / parent relationships can be challenging sometimes and that discipling your student might be something you’re totally new to. That’s ok! We’re all in this together and you’re not alone! Consider partnering with another family to go through the workbook alongside each other and encourage one another! Kristen and the Youth Team are also here to help process, coach, and celebrate with you through this journey.

Student FAQs

  • A disciple is someone who is: 

    • Following Jesus
    • Being changed by Jesus
    • Living on Mission with Jesus
  • Confirmation is when you publicly confirm the faith that God has already placed in you. It’s saying “Yes!” to Jesus who so often says “yes!” to you! It’s a rite of passage where you take ownership and responsibility of your own faith and commit to being Jesus's disciple

    To take ownership and responsibility for your faith means that life with Jesus is not just something that your mom, dad, or grandparents do, it’s something you do. It means that being part of a community of Jesus followers is not something you do because someone makes you, but because you want to. It means that you are taking an active role in continuing to grow as a disciple of Jesus - following him, being changed by him, and being on mission with him.

  • Jesus says that the Kingdom of God is like a treasure buried in a field. When someone discovers it, they joyfully go sell all they have to buy the field. Getting to know Jesus is the best experience we have ever had and we want you to get to know Jesus too! 

    Not only that, but we want you to have the skills and tools to help you grow in a relationship with Jesus throughout your whole life! 

  • 1. Are you in at least 6th grade? 

    2. Are you interested in digging into more of who Jesus is and what it means to be a disciple? 

    3. Have you talked to your parents about starting this process? 

    If the answer is "yes," great! Contact Kristen at (334)791-0995 or to get started! 

  • If you're a teen wanting to grow in your faith but you're not sure if your parents are willing to help you, reach out to me (Kristen). We'll talk and process through this together. If need be, we have lots of adults who would love to step in as a faith mentor.