Every Sunday in June!

We'll start off with a special VBS worship for the whole family at 9:30! We'll sing a few songs, hear a Bible Reading and then kids will head to an extended kids church and adults can stay in worship or join us for some VBS fun! 

At Kids Church, we will dive deep into some Bible Adventures and some Reef Rec Games! Then, we will join the rest of the congregation for the end of church. 

After church, everyone is invited to Tidal Treats (snack time) and each child can pick up a craft kit and an at home family devotion to keep the VBS fun going all week long! 

Children of all ages are welcome at VBS this year! If your child is younger than 4, we do ask that a parent or adult accompany them to the kids church portion of VBS. 

On vacation an going to miss one week? Let us know and we'll save a craft kit and family devo for you!

Purchase VBS Music!

VBS Service Project

All throughout the month of June, we will be collecting items to put in special care packs to send to people who are serving in the military and veterans. This will be a special way to tell them that God wants to be their friend too! 

We will have a special Care Packing Party after church one Sunday in July! Stay tuned for more details!

Click here to find out what items we need!

Ways to Volunteer!

If your family has been blessed by VBS, please consider how you can be a part of making this year a great opportunity to help families connect with Christ! You can serve for one week or all the weeks or anything in between! Contact one of the team leaders listed below or contact Kristen Ramirez at (334) 791-0995 or Kristenakocsis@gmail.com and she'll get you connected with a team leader!


Help shop for supplies... or help assemble craft kits

Contact Traci Nelson for more info


Help shop for supplies... or help prepare snacks...or be a Sunday Morning Snack leader Passing out snacks to families

Contact Kryssie Mingst for More info


Teach Bible Adventure... or lead a game...or be a Kids Church Helper - Encourage kids to participate, help with small group discussions, build relationships, and help clean up after kids church

Contact Erin Fish for more info


Pick a week to send out reminders and invites to VBS!

Contact Kristen Ramirez for more info


Help organize supplies and volunteers on the July Care Pack Day after church. Set up and clean up tables

Contact Adrienne Lough for more info


Help us cover VBS cost by donating using the link below. (Please mark "VBS" in the memo line) 

Donate here!